Tag Archive | paying for college

Financial Aid – Some common misconceptions and tips to get support

In the times of economic recession, education is a must to have better opportunities and job security. However you might be worried about the tuition fee from what you have heard from other people. We will talk about some of the common misconceptions regarding the financial aid… (Read: Financial Aid - Some common misconceptions and tips to get supportRead More)

By: Marcel A Johnson | 22/11/2009

How Much Does Financial Aid Cover?

How much does financial aid cover? It depends on various factors as to how much does the financial aid cover. The university that you are going to, whether or not you have any scholarships, the number of hours that you are taking per semester, the institution that you are attending is in your State or any other State and the charger for each credit hour are all the factors that will determine how much will be covered. If you are a freshman, you can get financial aid for up to 18 credit hours…(Read: How much does financial aid cover? Read More)

By: Marcel A Johnson | 22/11/2009